Cathedral Renovation
136 Years in Vancouver!

The presence of a permanent Catholic Church in Downtown Vancouver began in 1885. After some great sacrifices by the first Catholic settlers they built a church in the site of the present rectory. In 1899 seeing that the small wooden church was insufficient for the growing Catholic population the parish began the building of the current Church. The Church of the Holy Rosary opened for services on December 9, 1900, less than two years after construction began. This magnificent Gothic Revival building has not seen any major structural work done since it was opened. There has been some cosmetic work of course, but nothing to ensure that this beautiful building will be around for future generations. The work ahead will be challenging, but it will protect the heritage and the future ministry of the Church in Vancouver’s busy downtown core.
The Cathedral is ready for a seismic upgrade and for some needed maintenance. Currently the we are working with developers and with the City of Vancouver to see what can be done, and how to better preserve the heritage that has been handed to us.
The project will see the Cathedral closed for a short time while the work is completed. During that time there will be an alternate location for the Sacramental ministry of the Cathedral.
We want to build, protect and keep what has been handed to us by previous generations of Vancouver Catholics. You can be part of this project by praying for the success of this undertaking and by donating to this project. Please use the DONATE button on the right corner of the site to make an online contribution. No donation is too small, and it all helps to keep the presence of the Church in the heart of the city.
Thank you!
For more information please click here.