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Baptism Prep in August

The next Baptism preparation session for parents and godparents who have a child to present for Baptism, or who are expecting a child in the next several months will be

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Care to tend our garden?

The Garden Committee is looking for helper to maintain the cathedral garden and grounds and work on special projects to beautify the space. You can even help on a drop-in basis. All

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Weekday Masses re-opening

Weekday Mass information Please continue checking this page for most up to date information on public attendance at weekday Masses. We will continue to live-stream Masses daily and offer confessions

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EWTN Needs Media Missionaries

  Has EWTN Global Catholic Network impacted your life? Would you like to tell others about Christ and His Church with EWTN?  If so, become an EWTN Media Missionary right

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12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls all people of faith to join nationwide in 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care on Wednesday May 4th. Less than 70% of Canadians receive palliative, hospice

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CWL Lenten Retreat on Saturday Feb 20

CWL LENTEN RETREAT: Mercy: Forgiving and Being Forgiven – Saturday, Feb. 20, 1- 4pm at Holy Rosary Hall. Speakers are Fr. Julio Lagos and Sr. Chita Torres. This includes a guided reflection on

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