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Love Is Our Mission Date Night 

  A night especially for couples active in Catholic ministries. Marriage, says Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia, “naturally points a man and woman outward toward the world, as well as inward

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Free Estate Planning Workshops

These presentations by the Archdiocese of Vancouver Development Office deal with matters you may not have thought about before but will help you gather your thoughts before you write your

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Summer Institute

  Summer Institute offers one-day courses that provide continuing education opportunities, ministry development and spiritual enrichment. Courses include: Basics of the Faith, Overview of the Liturgy, and Leadership Skills for

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Called & Gifted Workshop

  The Holy Father is calling you to actively help others encounter the Risen Christ by allowing Him to work through the spiritual gifts you bring to your work, family

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Register now for Man Alive 2015

Man Alive 2015: Desire, Design, and Destiny “We can’t do it alone” is the theme for this year’s men’s conference. Christopher W est will be speaking about authentic manhood: Desire,

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Cathedral Open House

Dear friends, come and join us at our Open House this weekend. Saturday 4:30-6:30pm and Sunday 8am – 6:30pm. So many of you are regular visitors to the Cathedral. Perhaps this

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