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Pro-life Sunday Collection on June 21

  A special collection will be taken Sunday, June 21, to help pro-life organizations. The proceeds support local pro-life groups, crisis pregnancy centers, Birthright, anti-euthanasia groups, university pro-life groups and

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Focus on Life Gala Dinner

  The Story we tell, changes everything. The 17th Annual Focus on Life™ Gala Dinner is Monday, May 25 at the Italian Culture Centre. Lila Rose will be our keynote

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Birthright Mass and Reception

BIRTHRIGHT MASS in Honor of Our Lady, at Holy Rosary Cathedral – Saturday, May 9, beginning with the Rosary at 11:40am, Mass at 12:10pm and followed by refreshments at Holy Rosary Hall

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Euthanasia Seminar

  Listen to a panel discussion on the repercussions of the recent Supreme Court Decision on assisted suicide.  What does this mean for Catholics?   What is our pastoral response?  How

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