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Liturgical Celebrations

Birthright Mass at Holy Rosary

BIRTHRIGHT MASS in Honor of Our Lady, at Holy Rosary Cathedral – Saturday, May 28, beginning with Rosary at 11:40am, Mass at 12:10pm, followed by Refreshments at Holy Rosary Hall.

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Diaconate Ordination

  Join the Archdiocese in celebration and prayer during the Mass of Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of seminarians, Juan Lucca, Giovanni Schiesari and Francesco Voltaggio on Friday, May 6,

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Priestly Ordination

  Join the local Church in celebration and prayer during the Mass of Ordination of Mark McGuckin and Lucio Choi on Saturday, May 14, at 12pm at Holy Rosary Cathedral,

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First Friday Mass & Luncheon

FIRST FRIDAY – APRIL 1: Mass at 12:10 pm, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following Mass. The church will be open for Adoration during the afternoon. Benediction before the 5:10

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Lent Penitential Services

“Do not be afraid of Confession! Jesus is there… and He receives you with so much love.” Pope Francis Take this opportunity in the Year of Mercy to go for

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Rite of Election at the Cathedral

As Lent begins, let us hold up in prayer those who are preparing to be baptized and received into the Church this Easter. The Archbishop will celebrate the Rite of Election with

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