Becoming Catholic
The Path to Catholicism
1. How do I find out about Catholicism?
One of the best ways is to contact a Catholic parish near you to let them know that you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith. You will be invited to inquire into what “being Catholic” is all about. Our Cathedral parish office is also here to help.
2. What if I think that I want to become Catholic?
We believe that God calls individuals to live the Good News Jesus proclaimed and to become his disciples as members of the Catholic Church. If you want to become Catholic, you will participate in a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (sometimes called RCIA or simply Christian initiation). In RCIA, you will learn about the teachings of Jesus as the Catholic Church has handed them on and put these teachings into practice by living as part of the Catholic community, serving others and praying.

3. What does initiation into the Catholic Church entail?
One of the best ways is to contact a Catholic parish near you to let them know that you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith. You will be invited to inquire into what “being Catholic” is all about. Our Cathedral parish office is also here to help.
If you have not been baptized, the RCIA process prepares you to become a Catholic Christian by celebrating what we call the sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
If you have been baptized in another Christian tradition, the RCIA process prepares you to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church by celebrating the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
A typical RCIA process takes you from the pre-catechumenate period of inquiry to the Rite of Acceptance. Then you will go through the Catechumenate period of formation to the Rite of Election, followed by a period of purification and enlightenment to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. You will go through a short period of post-baptismal catechesis for spiritual growth.
4. I’m a baptized Catholic. Is RCIA for me?
We believe that God calls individuals to live the Good News Jesus proclaimed and to become his disciples as members of the Catholic Church. If you want to become Catholic, you will participate in a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (sometimes called RCIA or simply Christian initiation). In RCIA, you will learn about the teachings of Jesus as the Catholic Church has handed them on and put these teachings into practice by living as part of the Catholic community, serving others and praying.
If you have been baptized as an infant, but have not received further formal instruction in the Catholic Faith nor the sacraments of Confirmation or the Eucharist, RCIA is indeed for you.
Registration Form
Please download, fill out the form and send it via email to:
If you have any questions please contact us and we will be very happy to help you.
5. How long does it take to become a Catholic?
A typical RCIA process takes you from the pre-catechumenate period of inquiry to the Rite of Acceptance. Then you will go through the Catechumenate period of formation to the Rite of Election, followed by a period of purification and enlightenment to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. You will go through a short period of post-baptismal catechesis for spiritual growth.
Becoming Catholic is a life-long commitment. However, the Christian initiation process typically lasts for several months or longer in order to prepare to take this step. Participants in the initiation process generally meet once or twice each week, including part of the Mass on Sunday, but each parish initiation schedule varies.
The initiation of individuals who are ready to make the commitment to become new members of the Catholic Church may take place at Easter or at other times deemed necessary.
6. What if I change my mind?
While we love being Catholic and hope that others will want to become Catholic also, we do not exert pressure on anyone to do so. Our hope would be that at the very least, you would come to a greater appreciation of Catholic beliefs and practices.
You do not make any commitment or obligation by inquiring about Catholicism or beginning the Christian initiation process. We want you to take the time you need as you think about becoming Catholic and we respect your decision to stop or to say, “not right now” at any time.
While we love being Catholic and hope that others will want to become Catholic also, we do not exert pressure on anyone to do so. Our hope would be that at the very least, you would come to a greater appreciation of Catholic beliefs and practices.
7. What else can I do?
Thank you for your interest in discovering or rediscovering The Catholic Faith. We hope you have found helpful resources to learn more. As you continue on your journey, we encourage you to say the following prayer:
Dear God, help me to see your presence and hear your voice in the world around me.
Guide me on my journey and lead me to you.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Amen