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Summer Institute

  Summer Institute offers one-day courses that provide continuing education opportunities, ministry development and spiritual enrichment. Courses include: Basics of the Faith, Overview of the Liturgy, and Leadership Skills for

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Called & Gifted Workshop

  The Holy Father is calling you to actively help others encounter the Risen Christ by allowing Him to work through the spiritual gifts you bring to your work, family

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Voices Together 2015 on Canada Day

  All are welcome to raise ‘Voices Together’ and lift high the name of Jesus on Wednesday, July 1, from 5 to 7:30pm at Pacific Coliseum! Christian communities and interdenominational ministries

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Clothing Needed for Men’s Hostel

The Men’s Hostel has a Clothing Room which is used every day by our guests. There is particular need for new men’s underwear and new socks. To donate, please send items to the Men’s

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Laudato Si’, Blessed are You

‘On the care of the common home’, the subtitle of Pope Francis’ new encyclical released on Thursday, continues a tradition of recent Popes who have made it very clear that

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