Christian Life Program
Handmaids of the Lord, a group associated with Couples for Christ, invites you to share the joy and love of Jesus through a series of talks and fellowship through a Christian Life Program
Handmaids of the Lord, a group associated with Couples for Christ, invites you to share the joy and love of Jesus through a series of talks and fellowship through a Christian Life Program
Volunteers Needed for Agape Street Ministry, a Street Outreach for women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and those working in prostitution. Volunteer training and support provided. Call Vicki at 604-215-4115.
3-Day Advent Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Most Sorrowful Mother in Portland, Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, led by Fr. Horgan. For more information contact Priscilla at Sampaguita Travel, 604-874-9533, ext. 105.
This instructional session is for parents who have a child to present for Baptism or who are expecting a child in the next few months, as well as for Godparents. It
If you are a regular at Holy Rosary and have a love for Scripture, please consider this ministry.Our next workshop for new and current members is on Wed, Oct 28, 7:00
If you are a regular at Holy Rosary and have a love for Scripture, please consider this ministry. Contact David Cuan if you have any questions. Workshop date: Wednesday October 28,
Join Mayor Greg Robertson and Archbishop J. Michael Miller on Wednesday Oct. 21 from 6:30 to 9pm at the John Paul II Pastoral Centre, 4885 Saint John Paul II Way, for a dialogue
Can you read music? Do you have some experience singing in a choir? Would you like to sing master-pieces of sacred music (Gregorian Chant, Palestrina, Victoria, Byrd, Mozart, Gounod, Willan, etc.)? The Cathedral Choir sings
Catholic After Hours (TM) host these pub events for Catholics, 25-45 years of age, at the beautiful Art Gallery Cafe. Have dinner and a conversation and listen to an
Handmaids of the Lord, a group associated with Couples for Christ, invites you to share the joy and love of Christ through a series of talks and fellowship through a
5:10 PM anticipated Mass
8 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM in Latin
6:30 PM in Spanish, 8 PM
7:15 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:10 PM
Friday at 6:30 PM
5:10 PM anticipated Mass
8 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM in Latin
6:30 PM in Spanish, 8 PM
7:15 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:10 PM
Friday at 6:30 PM
11 to 11:45 AM & 4 to 4:45 PM
9 – 9:30 AM
Sundays at 6 PM
11 to 11:45 AM & 4 to 4:45 PM
9 – 9:30 AM
Sundays at 6 PM
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
(604) 331 8406
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
(604) 331 8406
If you would like to donate on a monthly basis, please contact us