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June 2016

Computers for schools

Fr. Terry Larkin is collecting computers that function well and with all data removed as well as for  children’s books for the school in the Philippines which he is supporting. Please bring them

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Annual Rose Prince Lejac Pilgrimage

Annual Rose Prince Lejac Pilgrimage – Friday, Saturday & Sunday, July 8, 9, and 10, 2016 at Fraser Lake Lejac Site. This year’s guest speaker will be Deacon Rennie Nahanee, Squamish First Nation Elder. For information

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Father’s Day is Pro-Life Sunday

Voices of the vulnerable are silenced every day by the culture around us. Never before has life in our nation been as vulnerable as it is now. We need to challenge those who silence

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June 25: Annual Birthright Walk/Run Day

Every year Birthright Vancouver, a downtown crisis pregnancy service, hosts a Walk/Run fundraiser. It’s a fun way to support an important ministry in our archdiocese. This year, the Walk/Run will start at Holy Name

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Thank you message from Fr. Larkin

A message from Fr. Terry Larkin for last week’s Golden Jubilee Ordination Celebration: “Dear Parishioners and friends, I cannot thank you enough for your kind and generous attention. You have been a

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