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The Surprising Sacrament of Matrimony

The Archdiocese of Vancouver and Worldwide Marriage Encounter invite married couples, engaged couples, single persons, clergy, and youth (16+) to hear Fr. Tom Vandenberg from the Archdiocese of Seattle. He’ll cover the difference between the sacrament and a simple marriage, the importance of matrimony to life of the Church, the unique spirituality of married couples, the relationship between matrimony and holy orders, what married couples have to say to the Church, and why married couples are a sign of hope for the Church. Fr. Vandenberg wrote Rediscovering the Pearl of Great Price: The Surprising Sacrament of Matrimony. Join us for a spiritual day of thought and laughter on Saturday, June 20, 8:30am to 3:30pm, St. Joseph the Worker, Richmond. To register or for more info contact Jose and Teresa Zamora at 604- 882-1698 or


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