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March 2015

Stewardship Reflection

“I will be their God and they shall be my people.” – Jeremiah 31:33   What does it mean to be God’s people? It means we recognize that everything we have

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Lenten Penitential Services

LENTEN PENITENTIAL SERVICES: “Do not be afraid of Confession! Jesus is there… and He receives you with so much love.”                        

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Euthanasia Seminar

  Listen to a panel discussion on the repercussions of the recent Supreme Court Decision on assisted suicide.  What does this mean for Catholics?   What is our pastoral response?  How

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Tenebrae Service at Cathedral

A Tenebrae Service with music by Barnum, Casals, de la Rue, Dove and Durufle will be held at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Thurs. March 26, 7:30pm. Tenebrae (Latin for “shadows”

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